Flying Adventures I started GA training at Caloundra in early 1990, in a Cessna 172. Found the instructors to be arrogant young white shirts with epaulets, not really interested in training, just wanting to build up hours until they could go commercial. Flying wide circuits and long powered approaches, no real skill involved.... Then after 12 hrs of that deadshit boring sort of flying I went to try ultralights and was immediately hooked! Really dedicated instructors and intensive training; they reckoned if your shirt wasn’t sticking to your back then you didn’t get your money’s worth. Always idle power from the start of base leg and aiming at a touchdown spot, so really had to get the feel of descent rates. At that time the closest ultralight training was at Kooralbyn, nearly three hours away, and I was single-parenting most of the time, so only got to do a couple of days training every several months, so slow progress catching up each time, but stayed with it. Finally got my...
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